
Visitor Center
of Vânători Neamț Natural Park

Education, diversity, science and experience

When you leave Târgu Neamț, on the way to Pipirig, after the crossroad that leads to Neamț Monastery, on the right side you will see the gravel road that leads to the visitor center of the Vânători Neamț Nature Park. It is a place that worth allocating at least few hours.


To get to know the biodiversity encountered within the park, you can take a tour of the visitor center. In addition to the educational exhibition on biodiversity, you can also discover how social insects work: bees, ants.

Also, thematic classes on the environment can be held with children, young people and beyond. Or, various events can be organized in the quite generous space inside or in the courtyard of the place.

Looking for a short relaxation, connection with the nature?

The visitor center can be a good location, being surrounded by forest. And you can enjoy the experience of walking on a senzorial path right in the courtyard of the visitor center.

The suspended footbridges which also have an educational role, will surprise you with the view that stretches above or in line with the crown. In the cooler seasons, but not only, you can also have the surprise to see, through the forest, the bison that come to eat.

In the immediate vicinity of the center, you can train your adrenaline with the help of the short climbing trail, or the zip line. From the visitor center you can go on various trails: either to the reservation with bison through deciduous forests or to the acclimatization pitch, in search of bison with the help of rangers, among the secular oaks.

Foto: Mihai Moiceanu

Are you passionate of bird whatching?

You can spend some hours to the bird observatory near the Visitor Center of the Vânători Neamț Natural Park where a suitable space has been set up for the birds to come close and to be admired.

Foto: Felicia Aron

If you are not fortunate enough to see bison in all their splendor, at least you could see the staffed specimens inside the visitor center of the Vânători Neamț Nature Park.

But we do not advise you to leave the visitor center without a souvenir, produced by the locals from the store opened especially for those who arrive in the destination and want to take a small memory with them.