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First wild bison in Romania after 160 years.
“It is a historical day in the conservation history of Romania” says Sebastian Cătănoiu, manager of the Nature Park Vânători Neamț. “It took us 10 years to take this first step. Very soon new releases will follow, not just in Vânători Neamț but also in other parts of the Romanian Carpathians.”
The area of Nature Park Vânători Neamț în Top 100 Sustainable Destinations in the world
The Bison Land, in Northern Romania’s Neamt county, has been included this year in the Top 100 Sustainable Destinations in the world. It is the first time a region in Romania is included in the top.
The region covers the Vânători Neamț Nature Park, encompassing Târgu Neamț and the communes of Agapia, Vânători – Neamț, Bălțătești, and Crăcăoani.
Explore Bison Land ecodestination
Bison Land is a region where the nature, culture, spirituality, traditions or history are coexisting in an atractive way, being a fascinating place to visit.
Bison Land – A green destination
Bison Land is the only region in Romania included in the top of the green destinations.
Ecodestinations – a model of leadership and sustainable local development
In order to highlight the local community and the specifics of Romania, the Romanian-American Foundation and the Foundation for Partnership, supported by the Romanian Ecotourism Association, initiated a program for the development of 7 micro-regions in Romania. One of these destinations is the Bison Land. You can learn more about the initiative, context and how the 7 destinations in the Ecodestination brochure worked – a model of leadership and sustainable local development.
Bisons in their natural habitat
Vânători-Neamţ Natural Park is the only place in Europe where tourists can see the bison, the largest land animal on the continent, in three habitat types: in freedom, in the forests of the park, inside “Dragoş Vodă” Carpathian Wildlife and Bisons Reserve, and also in semi-freedom, in the acclimatization enclosure.
Ecotourism destination of Neamț county, in Romania
Ținutul Zimbrului (The Bison Land) includes an area where natural values are intertwined with religious and cultural-historical ones. Here you will find the Carpathian bison in the Reservation “Dragoş Vodă”, but also a monastic tradition that goes uninterrupted for the last 600 years.
Finalist in Natura 2000 competition
Nature Park Vânători Neamț was selected again on the list of Nature 2000 Awards.
Bison Land – a good option for good travelers
Bison Land is a sustainable destination in Romania. Check what it offers and what you can do here.
Recognized destination
Bison Land is one of the 5 certified destination in Romania.
Again in Top 100
For the 5th year Bison Land is the only reggion in Romania included in Top 100 Sustainable Destinations în the world.