
Neamț Fortress

One of the most famous Middle Age Romanian citadels.

On the North-western edge of Târgu Neamţ one can spot the Neamţ Fortress, a place of legend for all Romanians. Built at the beginning of the Moldavian State, during the reign of Peter Mușat (1375-1391), the fortress was one of the most important fortifications of the Medieval times.

The Neamţ Fortress was located in a strategic place, close to the highest peak of Pleşu hills, and had to guard the road that crossed the mountain in Transylvania, from Târgu Neamţ to Pipirig, as well as Moldova and Siret rivers. The view over the Ozana Valey will leave us speechless.

cetatea neamt Mihai Moiceanu

Mihai Moiceanu

Because of its political and economic importance, the fortification was in the midst of major military conflicts and sheltered the fortunes of the Moldovan princes. One of the famous battles that took place here is the one described by Costache Negruzzi in the novel “Sobieski and the Romanians”. In 1691, Polish King Sobieski retreated with the army home after a battle with the Turks and wanted to conquer the Neamţ Fortress. Although there were only 19 Moldovans in the fortress, they resisted heroically for four days in front of a much more numerous and better prepared army.

cetatea neamt neamtul fotogenic

Foto Club Neamț

During the reign of Stephan the Great, were built the inner courtyard, the noble houses and the ruler’s residence, respectively, were built, on the sides the church, food warehouses, ammunition, or other handicraft tools. The fortress was both a place of retreat for the rulers’ family, but also transformed into a prison for enemies.

Neamţ Fortress was rehabilitated with European funds during 2007-2009 and opened to national and international tourism. Work has been carried out to modernize the access road, the entire architectural ensemble has been restored. There is a sewerage network and water supply and modern parking near the fortress.

Lucian Iancu

The historical monument has been modernized and various exhibition halls have been set up, reminiscent of the medieval period, the battles that took place in the area, the other fortresses built by Stephen the Great, but also the stages through which the edifice passed over time. 

Any tourist arriving in the area must see “the famous Neamț Citadel, surrounded by a desert, covered with lightning,” as Romanian writer Ion Creanga said. The difference is that now the former military objective is no longer surrounded by the wilderness, but by a beautiful forest.

cetatea neamt

Simone Lollini